
April 1990 Joined IDO Corporation
(currently KDDI Corporation)
April 2009 General Manager of Consumer Sales Planning Department of Consumer Sales Planning Division of KDDI Corporation
Apr. 2013 Deputy General Manager of Consumer Sales Division of Consumer Business Sector of KDDI Corporation
Apr. 2016 Administrative Officer and General Manager of Customer Service Division of Products & Customer Service Sector of KDDI Corporation
Oct. 2018 Administrative Officer of KDDI Corporation President,
Representative Director of Chubu Telecommunications Co., Inc.
Apr. 2019 Executive Officer of KDDI Corporation President,
Representative Director of Chubu Telecommunications Co., Inc.
Apr. 2023 Special Advisor to Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company
June 2023 Executive Officer and Vice President of Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company
June 2024 President ,Representative Director of Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company (Current position)