Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company publish the Sustainability Report, which contains its sustainability management philosophy and initiatives.
Sustainability Report
- Introduction
Brand Message
Credo/Management Principles/Fundamental Principles/Okinawa Cellular Philosophy/Our Vision/Okinawa Cellular Core Values
The History of Okinawa Cellular/Message from the President/About Okinawa Cellular Group/At a Glance - Special Feature
Heart Rate Monitoring Service Attending to People With Health Concerns After Leaving Hospitals
Delivering Peace of Mind Through the Power of ICT - Sustainability Management
Sustainability Management
SDGs Declaration by Okinawa Cellular - Materiality
Key Issues (Materiality)
Materiality 1
Promotion of Innovation Centered on Telecommunications
Materiality 2
Realization of a Safe, Secure, and Prosperous Society
Materiality 3
Strengthening the Management Base through Progressing Governance
Materiality 4
Realization of Carbon Neutrality and Conservation of Okinawa’s Environment
Materiality 5
Development of a Diverse Workforce and Rewarding Work Environment
Materiality 6
Advancing Stakeholder Engagement - Data
Human Rights Policy
ESG Data
Environmental Data
Social Data
Governance Data
Third Party Assurance
This report is prepared as a communication tool for our investors and other diverse stakeholders to share information on and promote understanding of Okinawa Cellular’s sustainability initiatives. For information on sustainability initiatives not included in this report,
please refer to our corporate website.
Past Reports
Sustainability Report 2023(4.2 MB)